Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Heart of Giving

There is always more that I can learn about having a giving heart, but since coming here to Ethiopia, God has especially been speaking to me about giving. From the devotional book I had been reading, to songs I hear, from seeing the selfless giving of others, to having the Pastor speak about giving on Sundays; Giving has been coming up over and over in my life and so naturally it has been in my thoughts and on my heart as well.

There are so many ways that I can give as a person. I can give through my time whether it be teaching Sunday school, going out to coffee with someone, or volunteering with VBS or at a Soup Kitchen. I can give up my money through tithing, sponsorship, missions, or directly to someone in need. I can give of physical belongings such as gifts, extra clothing/toys, food, etc. These are just some of the things that have popped into my head as far as giving, as I try to be more aware as how I can give. And I found myself pondering; How can I give more selflessly of myself? And as I was thinking and praying I was convicted of something.

I am usually pretty quick to offer help whether its with a school assignment, packing or driving someone to run errands, or offering a listening ear. But many times my attitude is not right because I am expecting other people to always help me in return when I need it. And when they do not I often grow upset with them and say something or not want to give of myself the next time. Obviously I know in my head that this kind of attitude is wrong. But in the moment it is so easy to think about myself.

During this time of my life, God has been constantly pointing me back to the life of Jesus and reminding me of how I NEED to live as His daughter. Matthew 6:2-3 says, "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing," In living like Jesus I need to have an attitude of giving in all circumstances and as this verse states giving (whether time, money, physical gifts or other) should not be flaunted. As this verse speaks of the humility of giving it also makes it very clear to me that my attitude about giving has been prideful and I destroy the whole purpose of giving if I have an attitude that I deserve something in return.

And in reality if I were 'to get what I deserve' it would be punishment of death, because no matter how much I give and try to be like Jesus I still fall short of the holiness and perfection found in God. But because of God's mercy and grace towards me, I have been granted the high position of servitude. In pursuing to live a life like Jesus, my attitude of giving needs to become that of humility, mercy, and love without thoughts of myself. As a broken human I will still fall short, but through God's grace and strength my attitude of giving can be renewed and restored. 

At the heart of giving, there needs to be the foundation of servitude. The mostly lowly position on earth, but a high position in the kingdom of God. And as I allow God to shape my heart around His idea of giving and service I will become more like Christ. 

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