Saturday, January 27, 2018

Pen Pals

There are so many ways to live intentionally. And for anybody that enjoys writing as I do, this is a simple (not terribly time consuming) way to make an impact. I remember being in 3rd or 4th grade and our whole class had pen pals from another school. We wrote back and forth for most of the year and then we had a picnic with the class from the other school to meet our pen pals. I didn't think much of pen pals after that...but a part of it probably has to do with our access to the internet and how easy it is to keep in touch with people there. But as adults most of us don't have 'pen pals'.

One day, when I was in college I saw an advertisement on a board about collecting gifts for children for Christmas and was intrigued to see a note at the bottom about Christian Pen pals. I was immediately intrigued and wanted to know more, so I took a picture of the poster and looked up the website later on. I discovered that Christian Pen pals is a prison ministry where anybody can sign up to write to a prisoner. 

People of all walks of life, from many different facilities across the country are written to. The prisoner could have asked to be signed or have a friend or relative who may sign them up. And then they wait for someone to write back and forth with. When I signed up to write I was connected with the ministry via email, where I was able to specify that I wanted to write to women.  They also tell you a little bit about the person, like how long they have been a believer or that they are not sure but want to learn more about God, their birthday, how much longer they will be incarcerated for, and if they have any special interests (Sometimes only some of this information is known). 

Sometimes we forget how much just our words can make a difference (for good or for bad). But for someone in prison, words of hope, friendship, and encouragement can make all the difference. Even if you are not much of a writer, just sharing about your every day life and your faith of Christ is more than nothing. I have read amazing testimonies of how these letters made an impact that helped to change a life. And I can attest to how excited the women that I write get about having someone to write to and know about my (a complete stranger's) life. 

This is something that you can do as an individual or as a group. It also does not take up very much time. After I receive a letter it normally takes me a few days to a week to respond and I do it while watching tv or listening to music in the evening. If you feel uncomfortable using your own address it is not hard to set up a P.O. Box and use that as your address (you'll just have to go to the post office to check it every once in awhile). 

Writing with my penpals has also impacted my heart and my prayer life. It is such a simple (and almost free) way to make an impact-to give the hope and light of Jesus Christ to someone who might not otherwise hear it on a normally basis. 

If you are interested you can visit the website for more information and to sign up: 

"Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Hebrews 13:3 (NIV)

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