Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pressing on for Jesus

Philippians 3:12b 
"...I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."

I think I've read through this verse many times, without grasping what it truely means. I love the book of Philippians and this particular verse hit me hard. I press on=I struggle/I push forward. To take hold of = Something that doesn't necessarily come easily..I need to put effort into receiving it. That for which Christ Jesus took hold of me= What I am pushing forward to receive is the very reason Jesus chose me. 

Wow. This verse is packed with some heavy stuff and as a human I probably cannot completely fathom what this truly means. But I do get this...Jesus sacrificed his life for me for a purpose! I've known that for a long time; known that Jesus died in order for me to have eternal life (John 3:16). Recently I have studied the verse John 17:3 which says "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only one and true God..." And the originally translation does not mean just to know as an acquaintance, but to really KNOW Him. Jesus died on the cross for Me so that I could know God intimately (eternally). 

When I am not pursuing God with all my heart and putting Him first in everything I do, I'm taking advantage of what Jesus did from me. Of course I am so grateful to Jesus that He died for me!! But I never realized that there is more to it than just thanking Him. When I'm not continually seeking after God, I'm basically telling Jesus that what He did for me isn't really that important! 

Jesus died so that I can intimately know Him and His father! Jesus wants me to pursue Him. He wants to know me. Out of all the billions of people on earth, God and Jesus care personally for me. But it's my choice to get to know him. It's my decision if I'm going to take the easy route and find worldly pleasure or if I'm going to press on and pursue Jesus. Ultimately how far my relationship with God will go is up to me. 

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