Monday, October 10, 2016

Life Before I leave

Even though it is hard to believe that soon I will be in Africa, at first it was kind of hard to picture what my life and student teaching would be like before leaving for Ethiopia. Especially when I found out that I would need to find a new place to live about 3 weeks before school was starting. When I first knew I needed a new place I completely panicked and it took me a few hours before I calmed down enough to give it over to God. But as usual I had no reason to worry because He always has my back. I had so many loving people praying for me and a few different families that offered for me to stay with them. In the end it worked out for me to stay with the Soniers, a family that I nannied for after school over the last two years and over this past summer as well. 

It was definitely going to be different than living in my own full apartment over the garage, but as I was praying I realized it might be a blessing in disguise. While I loved living on my own I am at a stage in my life where I was feeling lonely a lot of the time and God also knew that I needed an example of a loving family in my life. I have a bedroom in between the boys and share a bathroom with them, I actually really love it! It's like having 2 really little brothers (7 and 9 years old). My favorite is when they come into my room and jump up on the bed to read with me or talk to me. Kathy and Michael have also been so kind and helpful as I prepare to leave for Ethiopia. It has also been really convenient living right behind Eastern and only 20ish minutes from my student teaching placement.

On an adventure with my boys

I was actually pretty nervous when I first found out I would be teaching fourth grade. I had requested first or second, not because I didn't feel comfortable with that age but more because I am not near as knowledgable on fourth grade topics or cirriculum. But so far it has turned out to be a wonderful experience. My cooperating teacher has great experience and has been such a wonderful encouragement and mentor. The class has 23 students including 10 ELL kids and I have even had thfe opportunity to use some of my Spanish. I love teaching them and working with them and it will be very hard when it is time to leave them.

I have also been teaching Sunday school since June at the church I have been attending and the kids completely have my heart. I taught 6 and up for most of the summer, but just recently some of the older ones have left since we now have a youth leader intern. Now I am teaching just 6-8 year olds and will probably have a hard time saying goodbye to them as well! Each week we share our highs and lows, play a game, read a story about another country and find it on the map, pray for countries around the world, learn about Jesus, and have art and response time. These kids are reminding me what it should be like to be in awe of the world Jesus has created and to have unrelentless faith in our Father. 

The last few months have been such a learning and growing experience...and a reminder that I don't need to leave home for God to do big things in my life. 

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