Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Time for School

As my first half of student teaching is about to begin, I wanted to share about the other students that are about to embark on a similiar journey. My student teaching in Ethiopia has been made possible by an organization call Interaction International. This organization is "a voice for today's third culture kids kids and internationally mobile families," A smaller branch of this program, CCTECC partners with Christian Universities across the country to make it possible for students like me to student teach all over the world. In April I had the experience of traveling to Indiana with two girls from Cairn for our Pre-Experience Orientation. I had never met the girls before and was nervous to be driving 10+ hours, but we quickly were able to connect and had a lot to talk about.

I had no idea what to expect for the orientation, however it only took me a few minutes to see that I was in a room surrounded by 40+ other people who have similar passions for children, God, and cultural diversity. There are times when I feel discouraged and as if I am the only person in the world who feels a certain way or has a passion for living out God's calling. But God always sends awake up cacall. When I am surrounded by other passionate people it’s like I hear God saying, “See, silly girl? You aren’t alone. Don’t be so self-centered and prideful to think that you are my only child who desires for the world to change and for my children to be cared for!” (Of course I think of Him saying it in a kind, loving way as he shakes his head at my childlike attitude).

As I spent time praying, sharing, and learning with the other soon-to-be student teachers I began to feel rejuvenated and even more passionate about what I was about to do. Because I wasn’t going to be alone! While I am teaching in Ethiopia there will be others in Panama, Costa Rica, Germany, Thailand, China, New Zealand, Australia, and many other places! I also was encouraged, because sometimes I felt alone at Eastern University, especially being the only Education major going abroad. But at orientation I met others from Messiah, Houghton, Hope College, Biola, and other Christian colleges across the United States.

Talking and spending time with the other students I heard excitement about working with children, sharing the love of Christ, exploring and understanding other cultures, and living out God’s callings through their lives. Even though I have not seen any of the others who are going abroad since orientation I know that God is already working in their lives and going to big things through them! As we begin the school year, please not only be praying for me, but also the other students going out through CCTECC.

Pray for:
-Safety and basic needs being met
-Challenge and growth in our relationships with God
-Increased passion for our calling as Christian’s
-The lives we are around being impacted (students, teachers, others in the country)
-The lives of people at home being impacted through us

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