Saturday, December 10, 2016

From the Heart- Written by Alicia Thompson

Zambia...I can't even explain the experiences and emotions that came from this trip but all in all, it was amazing. 

The people, the kids, the culture, everything  completely changed my perspective on life and my future. It's so easy in the first world, especially in America, to get caught up in success and comfort and wealth, but all those things are so empty compared to fulfilling relationships with other people and with God. 

These past few months have been super rough for me, and I'm still trying to find my way back. Life can be hard no matter who you are or where you live. Each day is a battle not to let the darkness win, but to me, if you're still fighting, that's a victory in and of itself. 

In the people of Zambia, there's this renewed hope; that even the smallest things can change a person's life, that in the poorest parts of the world, love and laughter exist, and that even when things are dark, there is still life, there is still beauty, and God is still there. I've seen children and adults who have next to nothing sing at the top of their lungs to a Creator who is so, so worthy of praise. And it's real. They've had ups and downs and everything in between on a far more extreme scale than I ever will, and yet, they have faith and hope that are strong enough to withstand it all and to overflow into the lives of people like me. 

The smallest things and the briefest words have slowly shifted my ever changing perspective - people and food and kids and insanely bumpy dirt roads and bugs and fear and smells and rain and heat and dogs and stories and silence and laughter and kindness and music and everything in between. I have a better idea now of what I want to do and how I can do it, and it feels really good. So much pressure is lifted when you realize what's truly important and what's just not. 

Zambia honestly took whatever presuppositions I had about life and needs and other people and turned them upside down, forcing me to look inside myself and figure out who and what I depend on. 

I'm so grateful for the people I've met, the things I've heard and seen, and really the whole experience; I wish it was much longer. I've learned so much about myself and my God, but now I guess it's time to go home. 

Bye for now, Africa. I'll be back very soon. ❤️🌍
This is a little bit of Alicia Thompson's heart- She is a 17 year old senior in high school and just returned from a 2 week trip in Zambia, Africa. She has a heart for missions, loves children, 
and enjoys crafts, music, reading, and playing sports. 

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