Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Looking Forward-2018

Next year will be the year 2018. A year of many new things. Next year I will marry the love of my life. I am currently preparing for the adventure of a lifetime. If you would have asked me a year ago, where I would be today I would not have been able to imagine it. Even as a little girl, I dreamed of marrying a wonderful man, settling down, and starting a family. I suppose most little girls have this dream. Maybe even more than dreaming of marriage, most little girls dream of their wedding day.
They dream of walking down the aisle in a beautiful white gown, shiny jewelry, a veil or maybe a tiara. They dream of the colors and the flowers, of the meal and of the cake, and of the people that will be there to celebrate with them. And not to mention, dreaming of the man who will share that day with them.  As that little girl grows older, the pressures of social media helping to solidify an idea of how their wedding day has to go. Pinterest boards grow as teenagers pin pictures of dresses and hairdos, and maybe even engagement rings that they like. Pins of flowers, gowns, wedding parties, tables, DIY decorations, and foods begin to pile up and compile a 'fairytale wedding'.
I will not lie and say I do not have a Pinterest board. That I don't have pictures of bridesmaid dresses, flowers, and table settings.  Or even that I am not excited to go pick out a wedding gown and find the perfect hair style. Because I am. But more than that I am excited to spend hours with my fiancĂ© pouring over ideas together. I am excited to make home cooked meals that we will eat while looking over our song and guest list. To sit by his side and dream of our special day and make plans together that will soon become a reality.
I cannot wait for the day that I walk down the aisle, with my father by my side, looking up at the man that I will spend the rest of my life with.  I am excited to worship alongside of him and everyone that is there to celebrate our special day together. I am excited to say "I do" and exchange our vows-not to mention share our first kiss as a married couple. I dream of the moment we will get to dance to our song; the song that I feel was written just for us and is able to perfectly say what is always on my mind. I also know that the flowers and table settings and food will be wonderful, and that we will enjoy seeing everyone that we love.... 
But more than any of the wedding planning and the actual wedding day, there is something else that I am looking forward to next year. Because as beautiful as a wedding is and as much as I appreciate the symbolism and declaration-it is just one day. One crazy day that people often get so caught up in, that they do not think past that day. Next year what I am most excited for is growing with my best friend. Not just when we get married, but each moment leading up to it and after it. 
Life is made up of little moments that make memories. Each little moment is an opportunity to grow whether for the worst or the best and in the case of a relationship, whether closer together or farther apart. The year 2018 is a special year because I get to say "I do" to my best friend. Each moment before our wedding will be dearly cherished, as I already am cherishing each moment. I will continue to cherish each moment after we exchange our vows. It does not end there...living together and waking up with his face next to mine. Continue to cook meals together, listening to each other share about work, and taking care of our home together.
There will be laughter and mushy moments, but there will also be tears and frustrating moments. I look forward to the hard times just as much as the fun and easy moments. Because it is in these moments that God will challenge us and help us to grow. We will continue to learn how to disagree and compromise, and how to forgive and unconditionally (agape) love each other. It is during next  year that my soon to be husband and I will continue to build up the foundation that God has laid before us. The foundation that we will build the rest of our lives upon. 2018 will be a year to remember because I am looking forward to doing life with my other half.
All photographs taken by: Danielle Trista Photography